Monday 21 March 2016


How to get a clear fair and clear complexion

Many of the celebrities stick to the juice in the run up to awards season to ensure a flawless appearance but you for a common people don’t have to have a Hollywood budget to achieve the same type of glowing look - it is better to try raiding your fridge and fruit basket instead. You don’t even have to juice them either – having them whole will have the same benefits.
You’ll have to be troubled finding a skincare regime that doesn’t include at least one vitamin C product. This is because the vitamin C helps prompt the growth and repair of tissues in the body – particularly in the skin. Of course, it’s common knowledge that oranges contain  lot of vitamin C but where else can you get it from? Blueberries, blackcurrants, strawberries are all good sources, as well as the more exotic guava and papaya fruits also a good source. All of these fruits also help to produce collagen – this is a vital ingredient to help battle wrinkles.

Tomatoes are often fall between the fruit and the vegetable categories but are actually classed as a fruit, and this contain a healthy dose of vitamin C as well. “Tomatoes also work well as a natural sun protection as they have a very high antioxidant content,” Janey Lee Grace, author of Look Great Naturally Without Ditching the Lipstick, told Cover Media. Try to adding some tomato to a healthy fruit salad in the morning – it might sound unusual but, it’s delicious!
The pineapple is another good fruit one to try. “Not only is it high in vitamin C but it also contains bromelain, an kind of enzyme which helps keep skin soft and supple,” Janey added.
It is clear you might be surprised to know that one of the best ingredients to help clear skin can be found at the bottom of the garden – nettles! You can have the nettle tea or even take them in capsule form but whichever way you choose to add them to your diet, you can be sure you’ll notice a difference. They have an anti-inflammatory effect which is fantastic for acne or eczema sufferers, as well as containing antioxidants – fantastic for the skin and system.

Avocado is also another good option, as it contains a host of healthy fats and oils to help maintain skin radiance. It also contains that vital ingredient a person need, vitamin E, to help support skin growth.
Off course the leafy green vegetables are incredibly good for you, not only because they are low in calories but high in protein – making them to perfect for weight loss - but are also high in beta carotene meaning they can help with reducing the appearance of the wrinkles.

And over all red and yellow peppers are another anti-ageing secret ingredient as they contain the antioxidants carotenoids. Studies in the past have shown that women who eat green and yellow vegetables on a regular basis have less wrinkles than those who don’t take these. So if you want to a line-free complexion, you head to the veggie aisle and stock up on some peppers!

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