Wednesday 3 February 2016

How believing weight is out of your control could lead you gain weight

According to a new study , why you shouldn't worry about your body weight , believing that your weight is outside of your control could lead you  packed on the pounds, make you unhealthy food choices and decrease quality of your life .
If any of the person  believes that weight to be outside of the influence of  exercise and diet, He or she may engage in more behaviors that may rewarding in the short term, Like eating unhealthful foods and avoiding exercises , rather than healthful behaviors with more long-term benefits for the  weight management," wrote study authors Dr. Mike C. Parent and Dr. Jessica L. Alquist of Texas Tech University.

Researchers Worked with data from 4,166 men and 4,655 women, and found found that the belief that weight is unchangeable comes with age -- and unhealthy eating.
As long as the people aged , they are less likely to read food nutrition labels and increasingly avoid fruits, vegetables and exercise and go for the ready-to-eat frozen meals, according to the study, "Born Fat," published in the journal Health Education and Behavior.
"Previous research has found the gender differences in weight as the  motivation for exercise and healthful eatings, and did not find evidences that gender affected the relationship between a health beliefs and the  physical activity or healthful eating," "However, we found evidence that the relationship between belief in weight changeability and exercise, healthful eating, and unhealthful eating differs by age."

A new research comes in about the role of the gut bacteria in body weight and that of energy-burning brown fat in metabolism, solutions to obesity could be around the corner, whether or no body weight is determined by DNA.
On the meantime, Parent and Alquist's study supports a 2014 study conducted at the University of Kent, that suggests the emphasizing well-being could be more important for health than focusing  in on an ideal body weight.
Chosing  good and helthy food choices, exercising and taking the time to cook best food  , surpasses  the harmful effects of  dieting and decreases one's likelihood to develop eating disorders, say the researchers, whose study was published in  Journal of Obesity and helps loosing the weight  .

Why it is difficult to lose weight for women compared to men

The ladies are in tough fight to lose weight as compared to men it is all because  of  the brain is wired differently as compared  to man, a new study suggests. That for most of the people preventing weight gain can look like an uphill struggle but scientists led by the University of Aberdeen in UK have discovered why it may  even harder for women as the gender is concerned.

The Researchers used  mouse model to uncover a sex difference in weight gain driven by the differences in physical activity and energy consumption. During the study, scientist were able to transform obese male mice with the increased appetite and reduce physical activity into lean, healthy mice. And on the same time the same transformation did not occur in the female mice.
All the findings could have implications for the development of new sex-specific medications for more effectively tackling the obesity epidemic in the near future. “The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that the higher rates of obesity in women worldwide, reaching to the twice the prevalence of men in some parts of the world,” said Lora Heisler from University of Aberdeen who led the study and carried in collaboration with researchers from the University of Cambridge and University of Michigan.
Heisler said that "We have discovered that the part of the brain that has a significant influence on how we use  calories that we eat is wired differently in males and females,” .
The cells in the brain region makes very important brain hormones called pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) peptides. Researchers said that is responsible for the regulating of our appetite, physical activity, energy expenditure and body weight .

And In the females, this source of POMC peptides does not strongly modulate the  physical activity or energy expenditure . “So, while medications targeting this source of POMC peptides may effectively reduce appetite in females, our evidence suggests that they will not tap into the signals in our brain that modulate physical activity and energy expenditure,” said Heisler.
“And this study reveals that the sex difference in the physical activity, energy expenditure and body weight is driven by  specific source of brain POMC peptides,” Heisler said. This study was published in  journal Molecular Metabolism.

Monday 1 February 2016

How high fat diet increase body weight , high blood sugar and cause diabetes

The most effects of  high-fat diet  increase body weight and caused anxiety and depression and high blood sugar along with measurable changes in the brain, the new study in mice revealed. Strangely, that these high-fat diet fed mice did not benefit from treatment with an antidepressant, the researchers said.
Over a servay, The World Health Organization estimates diabetes and depression each affect 350 million people.  These condition in some way intertwined? According to the researchers, past studies suggest  that depressive disorder that develop relatively early in the life lead to an increased risk of diabetes, while 10 to 30 percent of diabetic patients suffer from major type of  depression. Prior to research also shows how metabolic damage caused by a long-term high-fat diets or a Western diet elicited depressed behavior in animals modeling type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.  Past animal studies have also suggested that a high fat diet — consisting mainly of large portions of meat, dairy, and nuts and little to no starches or sugars — might exacerbate depression.
 These findings emphasize the existence of common brain circuits and signaling pathways between both metabolic and psychiatric disorders. 
And  To explore the influence of type 2 diabetes on emotionality, the French research team designed a experiment that worked like this type : First, they fed mice a high fat diet and then assessed the rodents for the metabolic or psychiatric disorder symptom, while also examining their brains. Next, the researchers tested and see whether an antidepressant or withdrawal from the high fat diet could reverse the metabolic and behavioral symptoms in the mice. Finally, they analyzed all the result.
 And some of what they discovered was expected. The high fat diet increased the body weight of the mice while also raising their blood sugar levels and the decreasing their glucose tolerance. Yet these metabolic symptom also correlated with anxiety/depression-like symptom in the mice. And while examination of the mice also revealed decreased serotonin levels in the hippocampus. (Generally, the higher levels of serotonin produce the  positive mood.)
Importantly,over all even prolonged use of an antidepressant produced no beneficial effects on the mice. By comparison, stopping the high fat diet completely reversed the metabolic impairments and lessened the anxious symptoms, and even if some depression-like symptoms remained.
And the researchers says their data provide "clear-cut evidence" that metabolic and psychiatric pathologies are not only related, but also linked to discernible changes in the brain. Based on these findings.

12 food tips that’ll save you over 100 calories - low fat

It really hard to keep our all food habits on track, especially for  the special occasions and have no self-control over it. So, we have put together some of really the easy swaps that’ll save you tonnes of the calories, one bite at a time. Be on your way to the healthier you .

1.If In the morning, if you are craving an orange juice, bite into the medium-sized orange instead. 
2. If you're indulging in some the waffles, then skip a butter and go for 2 tablespoons of maple syrup. 
3. And Eat turkey bacon instead of pork bacon, and the same goes for sausages.
4.And always go swap for fat-free dairy in all of its forms.
5.And Throughout the rest of the day, if you are enjoying a sandwich or a burger, make it an open-faced .
6.And If you eat a baked potato instead of French fries, that will save your calorie a lot intake too.
7. If you have to have that cheese, then eat only mozzarella.
8.and Always order skin-less chicken breast at the restaurants. 
9.And While ordering pizza, always opt for a thin crust instead of thick, and swap the pepperoni for some veggie topping. 
10.And While eating a salad, dip your fork into the dressing instead of a pouring the entire dressing all over the salad. 
11.If you're doing pasta, opt for a marinara sauce and not Alfredo.
12. Finally, for dessert, opt for the low-fat frozen yogurt instead of an ice-cream; and always in the cup over a cone.