Monday 1 February 2016

12 food tips that’ll save you over 100 calories - low fat

It really hard to keep our all food habits on track, especially for  the special occasions and have no self-control over it. So, we have put together some of really the easy swaps that’ll save you tonnes of the calories, one bite at a time. Be on your way to the healthier you .

1.If In the morning, if you are craving an orange juice, bite into the medium-sized orange instead. 
2. If you're indulging in some the waffles, then skip a butter and go for 2 tablespoons of maple syrup. 
3. And Eat turkey bacon instead of pork bacon, and the same goes for sausages.
4.And always go swap for fat-free dairy in all of its forms.
5.And Throughout the rest of the day, if you are enjoying a sandwich or a burger, make it an open-faced .
6.And If you eat a baked potato instead of French fries, that will save your calorie a lot intake too.
7. If you have to have that cheese, then eat only mozzarella.
8.and Always order skin-less chicken breast at the restaurants. 
9.And While ordering pizza, always opt for a thin crust instead of thick, and swap the pepperoni for some veggie topping. 
10.And While eating a salad, dip your fork into the dressing instead of a pouring the entire dressing all over the salad. 
11.If you're doing pasta, opt for a marinara sauce and not Alfredo.
12. Finally, for dessert, opt for the low-fat frozen yogurt instead of an ice-cream; and always in the cup over a cone.

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